There are many school of feng shui.
Hong Kong type? Chinese school? Japanese type? USA style feng shui?
They are speaking each another theory.
We don't know what can we believe.
This situation means that all old feng shui are wrong and have many contradictions.
All old feng shui theory use the Lunar calendar,it's not match to our life at now.
Method of old feng shui
1,At first I will write a plan view of my house.
2,We will ask the center of the house.(Center of gravity??)
3.We will write 8 direction line from the center point.(N/S/E/W)
4,At this time we don't know which using true north?or magnetic north??
5,We will search a "KIMON" and "URAKIMON" on the plan used the LUOPAN
This method is the Simplicity Judgment Method.
Anyone can use to Judgment your house ,excepting by Architecture ,very easy,very short time.
Really buildings of design will need to ask professional of Architect,Construction,Survey,etc.
If you will ask to another pro,if you will ask to fortune teller that he don't have a Knowledge of Architect and he has many Knowledge of old feng shui,
Sorry,you will get success by feng shui.and you will lost a lot of money.
The difference of them which they use magnetic north or true north.
Enjoy Feng Shui