What's a feng shui?
Feng Shui used all over the world at the present time was born in old China about 4000 years ago.
It has an origin of Lunar calendar and Ptolemaic theory.
It has many mistakes in the modern,as such it is not possible to use completely.
For example,people will use feng shui in Southern Hemisphere,which direction is "KIMON"? Northeast?
If people will use the old feng shui in Southern Hemisphere,they can't get Correct Results.
And one year is 354.36707 days on old feng shui of Lunar calendar.but Exact one year is 365.242199 days.It will differ about 11 days in 1 year.
Now,Many feng shui consultant manager in the world continue to use OLD FENG SHUI.
It is same in Hong Kong,China,Japan,USA,EU....etc.
You will not get happy,money,Environment using old feng shui.
I think that we need to change to Modern Feng Shui from 風水.like a changing to Heliocentrism from Ptolemaic by Roman Curia.
We think to need "Physics" ” Quantum mechanics” for people in the world can use correct feng shui.
If you will be interest to me and my site.please look my new idea for correct feng shui on next page.
Enjoy feng shui.