Only one direction area of buildings  was rusty effect of feng shui

 Now a days in Japan I'm working on biz from primary school,repair to roof and Steel frame Ceiling.

 a Picture is this.

Japanese building was built high Strength,that it need to withstand for many Earthquake, tsunami,hurricane.

It was used by many people in about 30-50 years 

 All Japanese Public building ware not using "feng Shui method"

Structural calculation,High durability Material,construction technology etc those building was built by All Fusion.

I can look the effect of feng shui when i looked very old buildings.

 The Structure building frame built on the same time,Only the parts of one direction area compared to other direction are old and sorely and have corroded and Rusty.

For example,this building's roof made and worked about 40 years ago at same time,but area of Northeast roof is very rusty and  Leaking rain.

Many other Japanese Public buildings have a same situation on my experience.

This is Feng shui effect."KIMON"

I think that another country's buildings have similar effects on each country's original direction.

"KIMON" is not Northeast all around the world.

Please check your old roof.Which direction is your roof rusty?

Enjoy Feng Shui.