Feng Shui was born in China about 4000-5000 years ago.
China,Japan is in 35 degrees north latitude.
Feng Shui is used only this area,Many feng shui consultant have a big mistake.
If you living in southern hemisphere "Australia,Brazil,etc",you can't use "feng Shui" In the same way of China,Japan.
"KIMON" is means "northeast" in Japan,but it means "southeast" in Australia"
It is a reverse between Japan and Australia"
"TATSUMI" "巽” means "southeast" in Japan. but it means "northeast "in Southern Hemisphere.
Sun is up from southeast in Japan.but it is up from northeast in Southern Hemisphere.
Feng shui is made by moving of sun,by moving air inside and outside of house,by moving Moisture around the house.It isn't same between north area and south area on our earth.
Many consultant have a big mistake.
"Feng Sui" is not "Divination" "Occult" "Psychic power"
It means the Passive control to sun and wind and moisture,that you will design and built a house .