You have to understand that using the magnetic north to evaluation criteria is big mistake.
The magnetic north is moving every years.
Max moving distance is about 65 km in one year.
If you plan your new house using the old feng shui in this year,"KIMON Direction" would have changed at next years.
The original true Feng shui doesn't use the magnetic north.
The magnetic north was using as a substitute of only the true north.
Because the measurement of the true north was very difficulty,indispensable of the high technology and astronomical knowledge for the old people.
Planning to feng shui needed a long time and a lot of money and the big power.
Anyone can't use it.
The man of be able to use the feng shui was only the authority,engineer,rich people.
For the feng shui is very difficulty,old people changed to use the magnetic north.
To anyone can use the feng shui at easy,thinking in short time,without high building knowledge.
The many feng shui's consultants couldn't admit the mistake.
Because if they will admit this mistake.they will admit the mistake of themselves, many consulting of a past.
To happiness of many people and house,I want to using the true north for everyone.
And I want to stop consulting using the magnetic north.
If you use the magnetic north,
you can't know the direction of the ”KIMON direction” at next years.
There are the consultants saying that
”Magnetic force will influence to human body and thinking"
I think so that's correct too, but it is thinking of medicine, It's
not feng shui and buildings.
If you want using a true north,please use some GPS applications on your smartphone.
Some GPS applications have a technology of "the Theory of relativity" by Albert Einstein.
This is more correct result than old feng shui.
Enjoy feng shui.